Do Hope

  • SBN: 9781914168246
  • Author: Gail Muller
  • Price: £9.99
  • Publisher: Do Books
  • Publication date: 5/10/2023
  • Distribution Centre: Grantham Book Services

Gail Muller, a chronic pain sufferer, was told to ‘give up hope’ of a recovery and accept that she would be in a wheelchair by 40. She refused. She eventually found a cure and went on to walk the legendary Appalachian Trail. But what is hope? And why do we need it now more than ever? 

In this book, Gail shares her own story of survival and what she has learnt: that hope is not just a platitude, it’s a powerful and energising catalyst towards better days. A light in the dark. But sometimes hope can fade – and if that happens, how do we get it back?


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